Org LaTeX Export
Straightforward Emacs
Things you’ll need before following through with this video.
- Decent Org Mode knowledge
- Decent LaTeX Knowledge
- Locally installed LaTeX compiler
LaTeX Compiler
This has links for all operating systems.
Most basic LaTeX Export
The most basic one possible. We only choose the document class and paper size. And, disable the table of contents.
#+LaTeX_CLASS: article #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [letterpaper] #+OPTIONS: toc:nil
Using your own LaTeX setup
Set up a plain LaTeX class for yourself
This will give us a class that won’t include all the default packages in the generated LaTeX file. Put this in your init
file. You can then use it with #+LATEX_CLASS: org-plain-latex
(with-eval-after-load 'ox-latex (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes '("org-plain-latex" "\\documentclass{article} [NO-DEFAULT-PACKAGES] [PACKAGES] [EXTRA]" ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}") ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}") ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}") ("\\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}") ("\\subparagraph{%s}" . "\\subparagraph*{%s}"))))
Create & include a SETUPFILE
is simply a file that contains some sort of org mode configuration. For example, the #+LATEX_CLASS:
we saw earlier. Or, maybe #+LATEX_HEADER:
. It could even be as simple as #+TITLE:
we can place all of our lines of LaTeX code we want included in the final generated document. This is a very powerful and easy method of perfectly customizing our export.
#+SETUPFILE: ~/Dropbox/Mackup/emacs-stuff/org/
Structure the SETUPFILE
Now, in that SETUPFILE
, we place the LaTeX lines we normally would put in a .tex
file. For example, \usepackage{amsmath}
. Hopefully you have your own favorite .tex
file setup, but if not I suggest learning LaTeX and/or finding a template online.
I suggest using a macro to add #+LATEX_CLASS: to each line
, rather than typing it manually of course! Notice the LaTeX_CLASS:
- the custom one we just created.
#+LaTeX_CLASS: org-plain-latex #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [letter] #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{lmodern} % Ensures we have the right font #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[AUTO]{inputenc} #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{graphicx} #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb} #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[table, xcdraw]{xcolor} % and so on...
Extra Notes
Some notes not covered in the video.
Enable using listings
for code highlighting
(setq org-latex-listings 't)
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{listings}
If you enable org-latex-listings
but don’t include the listings
package in your TeX file, it will likely not compile (if you are exporting an org file with code blocks).
Useful commands
- toggles preview LaTeX math at point